Saturday, November 5, 2011

What makes for a good Saturday? starts with a November in Buffalo that in the near 50s!  I have been given a few bonus days with this weekends to really get things in order pre-winter and snow.  A good Saturday also involves a full is one in process above. It is holding steady at about 950 F.  These will be done tonight and I can fill it up again early tomorrow (before the Bills game of course)
 A messy messy work table is always in the mix for this great Saturday too.  I have quite a few pieces going right now and a freshly washed group of beads just waiting to get in on the fun.  I finally got Semi (my crazy cat) to sit still for a shot of her fancy new kitty cat bling.  She has been walking around the house with a zip her step...I think it has everything to do with her new outfit. 
What makes a great Saturday also is a nice time with some friends tonight over some good food, a "I can't help but get excited for the holidays" early screening of a Christmas movie with my kids and a shrinking list of things to do...loving this weekend so far.    I hope everyone is having a great weekend too and that your Saturday mix is crazy and fun.  I am going to be working working working hard to make some great pieces to list on etsy and showcase on the blog to get ready for the holiday season. 

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