Monday, July 11, 2011

The one that got away...

I goof all the time ( and not just in bead making:)  When I made this bead, I loved the off and bumpy shape to it. I was content putting it into the kiln from the flame with a strange look and thought it would make an interesting focal bead.  Well, this bead is forever fused to the mandrel.  I either did not apply enough release to on the mandrel before laying the glass or I worked it too much in the flame and then it simply fused to the steel.  Normally with a twist and a turn I can remove beads from the mandrel but this one will not budge.  I will have to crack it with a hammer and shed a tear so I can have the mandrel back for future making.
 I love this color combination and wanted to make it again. In a different firing, with the same glass combination, an entirely bead was made.   I had a bit less oxygen flowing in the flame the second time around and opted to work it less and keep it a bit less funky. Fun all the same and this bead is going to find a funky fun home this week on a necklace.  
Happy Monday to all! 


  1. Love the color combo! It's the color compliments that are so interesting! Love the little ring around the blue.

  2. Thank you Terri! You are wonderful!
